What we can offer

We provide our clients with advice, training and solutions for raising quality of employees, and the development of their awareness of safe behavior and compliance with regulations at work. We provide adequate technical, organizational, financial and human resources to ensure safety of the employees and the protection of their health at work. In addition to health and safety services, we offer as well as our extensive experience and knowledge related to the organization and operation of companies, namely through our training programs, seminars and workshops.

Our commitment

The company Health and Safety s.r.o considers the provision of safety and health protection (hereinafter referred to as "OSH") of its employees, customers and other persons who are affected by our activity to be a priority.

The company commits to comply with all legal and other requirements. By complying with all legal and other requirements, implementing the highest international standards, and introducing consistent methods of prevention, our goal is to prevent accidents at work and other damage to health at work.

By implementing the principles of the PDCA cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Act), the company wants to constantly improve in the field of health and safety, environmental protection and quality of services provided.

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

– Warren Buffet, legendary investor; third richest man in the world (2018)

Billing information

Health and Safety s.r.o.
Bartókova 2/d
811 01 Bratislava

IČO: 51 835 452
DIČ: 212 080 5291
IČ DPH: SK212 080 5291



  Peter Hatina
 +421 903 785 000

  Teodor Hatina
 +421 911 631 481

Copyright © 2019 Health and Safety
