ISO - management systems

Implementation and preparation for certification of Quality (ISO9001), Environmental protection (ISO14001) and Occupational Health and Safety (ISO45001) management systems .


  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Higher productivity and quality of work
  • Reduction in number of claims and complaints
  • Reduction of environmental impacts and accidents
  • Reduction of waste fees and fines for environmental pollution
  • Reduction of fees and fines in the field of occupational safety and health
  • Increasing employee satisfaction and loyalty and improving working conditions
  • Reduction of work related accidents and occupational diseases
  • Possibility to participate in public tenders
  • Improving the overall management of the organization 
  • Precise definition of roles and responsibilities 
  • Improving the image and proof of seriousness

Fire protection

Provision of legally required fire protection service (FP).

Every legal entity and selfemployer has obligations in the field of fire protection in accordance with § 4 and 5 of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 314/2001 Coll. on fire protection as amended.
The legal entity and selfemployer ensure the fulfillment of the following obligations through the fire protection technician:
  • carrying out preventive fire inspections,
  • identification of places with an increased risk of fire and the number of members of fire warden,
  • 89/5000 carrying out training on fire protection and training of fire warden,
  • preparation, recordkeeping of fire protection documentation in updated state,
  • determining the requirements for fire safety during the use of the building and during the change in the use of the building,
  • organizing and evaluating training fire drills.

Safety coordination on construction sites

Providing in EU legally required position of Safety Coordinator (SiGeKo) for construction projects by internationally experienced professionals.

  • Handover of construction site or an area
  • Notification to Labour inspectorate
  • Site HSE Induction
  • Preparation and modification of HSE plan
  • Coordination of activities on site
  • Site audits and methodical guidance
  • Agreement on mutual cooperation and mutual information on hazards and safety measures
  • Safety conditions for performing work on construction sites

Preparation and performance of HSE and FP trainings

1. Legally required trainings

  • HSE Induction
  • FP training
  • Fire warden training
  • Training of persons providing FP during non-working hours
  • Work at height
  • Road safety
  • Training for work with electrical equipment (§ 20 Instructed person)
  • HSE Induction for visitors and contractors (also possibility to prepare in form of video)

2. Additional health and safety trainings

  • Safety awareness training (middle management and supervisors)
  • RISK ASSESSMENT+ training
  • Safety coaching COACH IN®
  • Safety culture
  • Incident investigation
  • Coordination of activities on site
  • Safety procurement
  • How to train health and safety? (for managers who will do safety trainings for their teams)

Safety technical services (STS)

Provision of legally required services in the field of occupational health and safety (OSH).

The employer is obliged to provide a safety technical services for employees (STS). For the performance of STS, the employer is obliged to determine a sufficient number of its own professional employees or to agree in a contractual manner with the company authorized by National labour inspectorate to perform STS. (§21 of Act 124/2006)

STS provides the employer with advices professional, methodological, organizational, control, coordination, training and other tasks in ensuring safety and health at work, especially in terms of adequacy of work spaces and buildings, work processes and work procedures, work equipment. and other technical equipment, working environment and their technical, organizational and personnel provision. In order to optimize working conditions, the safety and technical service influences the attitudes of the employer, managers and employees to safety and health at work. The tasks of the STS service are performed by certified safety technician and authorized safety technician. (§22 of Act 124/2006)

Occupational health service

Providing legally required services in the field of occupational health.

The employer provides occupational health services by health professionals who are in an employment relationship with him; if the employer does not have its own employees to perform the activity of occupational health service, have to provide this services contractually. (§30a of Act 355/2007)

Occupational health provider performs health supervision for employees and provides professional and advisory activities to the employer to fulfill his obligations pursuant to § § 30 Art.1 letter a) to d), f), l) to n) in the field of protection and promotion of health at work.

The activity of the occupational health service includes in particular

  • supervision of working conditions,
  • assessment of the medical fitness of employees for work by performing preventive medical examinations in relation to work,
  •  counseling aimed at the protection of health at work and the prevention of occupational diseases and work-related diseases.

Preparation of documentation

Preparation of the necessary documentation for companies, in particular:

  • Health and safety policy and implementation program
  • Risk assessments
  • Health and Safety management system
  • HSE Plan
  • Training procedure and materials
  • Incident reporting and investigation procedure
  • Emergency response plan
  • Traumatological plan
  • Method statements / Job safety analysis
  • Operational instructions
  • Traffic plan and procedure
  • Fluid intake
  • DSE procedure
  • Manual handling procedure
  • Forms, templates and checklists

Workshops and seminars

Workshops and seminars we currently offer: 
  • Leadership
  • Change management
  • Contractor management
  • Stress management
  • Safety coaching COACH IN®
  • Safety culture
  • Safety procurement
  • RISK ASSESSMENT+ training
  • Safety awareness increasing
We also prepare workshops and seminars in the field of corporate management, communication, leadership, management systems, corporate culture and safety and health at work directly tailored to the client. We will process the selected topic according to the specific requirements of the client. In addition to theoretical knowledge, we apply in our workshops the connection of theory with practice, ie how to implement a given theory in practice through exercises, case studies and games. 

Billing information

Health and Safety s.r.o.
Bartókova 2/d
811 01 Bratislava

IČO: 51 835 452
DIČ: 212 080 5291
IČ DPH: SK212 080 5291



  Peter Hatina
 +421 903 785 000

  Teodor Hatina
 +421 911 631 481

Copyright © 2019 Health and Safety
